Piggyback Yard Conceptual Master Plan
Los Angeles, California
The Piggyback Yard Feasibility Study furthered the initial pro bono Conceptual Master Plan to determine feasibility, phasing, and costs. This study outlines land use, hydrological, and ecological programs to transform Union Pacific’s 125-acre rail yard into a terraced eco-campus. The Vision Plan envisions a 45-acre regenerated wetland to accept diverted dry weather river flows, 80 acres of recreational opportunities, and mixed-use housing and office buildings along Mission Road to complement the USC Health Sciences Campus and the Brewery Arts District and spark entrepreneurial activity. The Plan includes opportunities for ecological regeneration, sustainable development, and community reinvestment in line with the Master Plan’s principles of urban vitality, climate change resiliency, and river revitalization.
Friends of Los Angeles River (FoLAR)
LA River Revitalization Corporation
170 acres
Los Angeles, California